Luke joined our family on March 22, 2010 at 2:50 pm. He was 7 lb 8 oz and 20 in long. He is very good natured and has added so much to our home already. We are so happy he is finally here. Welcome home Luke!!! He is joining one crazy family...hope he doesn't mind :) Grandma and Grandpa (Doyle) Egan...Luke is lucky to carry his great-grandpa's name. His brothers just adore him.
It was so great to spend time with Suz and her family this weekend. We just adore them and the kids had so much fun together. It seems that our visits are few and far between sometimes but we try and make the most of the ones we get.
For Tyler's B-day he got a ticket to Disney on Ice. So he and I went as a date along with the Howards and G&G Egan. We all had a wonderful time. It was so much fun being with my little munchkin and spending time with my sis and her family.
Life with four boys keeps me on my toes. I wouldn't change a thing though. I love being a mother and am thankful to have been blessed with these amazing spirits. A quote I read once said "A mothers job goes from son up until son down"...I thought that fit me to a tee.