I am so excited this year to start a new family tradition. On Christmas Eve, after dinner, we are going to open all of our presents from each other and then have a family sing-a-long. ( I am determined to pass my love of music on to my children. ) There are some beautiful songs in the childrens songbook so we will sing a few of those along with Silent Night (a family favorite) as we read part of the Christmas story in the scriptures. I am really excited about sharing this with my boys. I hope it will touch their hearts as it has mine while I have been preparing it.

We also want to pass along our love to all of you. I had the best intentions to send out Christmas cards this year but just never got them done. So this Christmas blog will have to do. I hope you are all well. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive family and great friends. May the spirit of Christmas be with you now and all year through.
With much love,
the Kennedy's