Saturday, November 29, 2008

The BEST Birthday EVER!

The day started in our beautiful new home in my bed with all five members of our family. The boys sang happy birthday to me and then gave me breakfast in bed (which consisted of a sweet roll and a glass of milk...simple and yummy). Then they brought me my presents which I also got to open in bed. Then John says the best gift is that I get the day off. So he bathed the boys and got them ready for the day.
We got to have lunch at grandma-greats. Its tradition that we always have turkey soup the Saturday after thanksgiving. The kids all played and enjoyed cousin time. After lunch John and I and Suzette and Aaron went shopping (thank you G&G for watching the kids). We came home and had a pizza party and watched a movie. Suzette made me a b-day cake. It was a wonderful day.
I am so thankful to be blessed with a wonderful family. They are amazing. Of all the things I have to be thankful for (and there are A LOT!) it is my family that brings me the greatest JOY!
Thank you family for the best birthday ever! :)


Debbie said...

sounds just about perfect to me. Can't wait to see some house photos!!

Pirijo and Donny said...

Happy Birthday!

Diana said...

Happy Birthday!!! I didn't know you guys were already in your house. How fun, just in time for all the HOlidays. I want to come and see - call me.

J Bailey said...

The best birthday a mommy could have!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Ben & Mona said...

A delayed Happy Birthday! I totally spaced it this year. Sorry!