Thursday, August 28, 2008


I was reading the blog of a friend last night which was very enlightening to me. I believe it was titled "Crooked towels and sticky handprints". In her blog she talked about how she has a hard time getting housework done with 4 kids under foot. She was lucky to get one or two things done in a day (i can relate) and her hand towels are always crooked. She thought about teaching her kids to straighten the towels but thought it was lucky they were even washing their hands...and what would be the point...and then, it hit her...there will be a time (somewhere in the future) that she will look at her perfectly straight towels and miss the time that her children were there messing things up.
So as i got ready for bed last night i was brushing my teeth. I looked down and saw gobs and smears of toothpaste all over the sink and counter. At first i was annoyed at the fact that i had to clean up the toothpaste (AGAIN). But my thoughts quickly turned to the crooked towels. I thought about how fast time seems to be passing. My boys are growing and changing and someday I may miss looking down at the sink and seeing toothpaste and especially miss the time when my kids were young. So I am vowing to try and just enjoy these moments... Toothpaste and all!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Building a Home

The new house is coming along nicely. It is so fun to walk through it and see defined rooms. The boys are excited each time we go to the house and see the progress. We cant wait for this new chapter.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Under Contract

The couple that came in last Friday made an offer on the condo. It was a little low but we (john) seriously considered taking it. We (I) decided to counter just a little higher to see what would happen. They accepted the counter and we are now under contract. I am sighing a sigh of relief although its not over "til the fat lady sings"....or until you sign your life away :)
I have started packing up a few things here and there. Thought I would get a head start on it. We are suppose to close the middle of September. Now the challenge is to find a place to live for three months until our house is finished. If you know of anyone willing to rent to us for a short time, let us know.
Our house has walls...which is nice to see something more than just a pile of dirt. Although my 2 year old keeps asking where our dirt is. (before they started building we would drive by the lot and say "theres our dirt"...I guess he thought we were going to live on the dirt). It is fun to see the progress.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Getting my hopes up

We had an amazing couple come look at our condo yesterday. They seemed very interested and our agent said they were going to talk to their lender right after they met with her. We are trying not to get our hopes up but I really feel like this might be the answer to our prayers. We shall see.
We are headed off to a Kennedy family reunion this afternoon. Games, food, and a lot of people we dont know....should be a great time.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Fun

I cant believe a whole month has gone by...time flies! Matthew turned 5 last month and he had his first friends party. He got to invite 5 friends and we had a water party at my parents house. I bought a cheap little pool and water guns, water balloons, beach balls, etc. We played a few games, opened presents, had cake and ice cream and let the kids play in the water. It was a good time for all.
Last week I took the three boys to Lagoon. It is a yearly tradition (thanks to my uncle). We spend about half a day there. It was the perfect day to go....i think the only ride we waited in line for was the river rapids. Its fun to go now that my oldest will actually ride some of the "big kids" rides. My 5 year old would have spent the whole day on the cars and nothing else. And the baby wanted to ride EVERYTHING! :) We had a great time.
This weekend we spent three days in Midway. John and my dad golfed in a fund-raising tournament and the rest of us tagged along for the ride. We swam and shopped and John and I enjoyed an amazing dinner friday night. Over the last 6 years they have raised apx 5 million dollars for Primary Childrens. It was amazing the be a part of it all. Not only that, but it is a beautiful part of the state. It was a wonderful little get-away.

Still no luck with the sell of our condo but we havnt lost hope yet. Our home is actually looking like something...not just a pile of dirt. Its fun to take the boys over each week to see the progress. We are looking forward to a new chapter.