I cant believe a whole month has gone by...time flies! Matthew turned 5 last month and he had his first friends party. He got to invite 5 friends and we had a water party at my parents house. I bought a cheap little pool and water guns, water balloons, beach balls, etc. We played a few games, opened presents, had cake and ice cream and let the kids play in the water. It was a good time for all.
Last week I took the three boys to Lagoon. It is a yearly tradition (thanks to my uncle). We spend about half a day there. It was the perfect day to go....i think the only ride we waited in line for was the river rapids. Its fun to go now that my oldest will actually ride some of the "big kids" rides. My 5 year old would have spent the whole day on the cars and nothing else. And the baby wanted to ride EVERYTHING! :) We had a great time.
This weekend we spent three days in Midway. John and my dad golfed in a fund-raising tournament and the rest of us tagged along for the ride. We swam and shopped and John and I enjoyed an amazing dinner friday night. Over the last 6 years they have raised apx 5 million dollars for Primary Childrens. It was amazing the be a part of it all. Not only that, but it is a beautiful part of the state. It was a wonderful little get-away.
Still no luck with the sell of our condo but we havnt lost hope yet. Our home is actually looking like something...not just a pile of dirt. Its fun to take the boys over each week to see the progress. We are looking forward to a new chapter.
I just found your blog through Traci's. How fun to see what your family has been up to. We need to really get together soon.
hope all is well.
Hey babe--
I just found your from Debbie's--I love that we are all connected! ; ) When is our next picnic????
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