Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Pesdent Momsin...he's our pophet"

We had a FHE lesson this week about the importance of following the prophet. We talked about the prophets past and the lessons they taught. We also talked about Pres. Monson and how he is our living prophet today. I testified to the boys of the importance of listening to the prophet and how we are so lucky to get to hear him speak this weekend. By the end of the lesson I wondered if they had even heard anything I had (tried) to teach them. Then yesterday my 2 year old comes up to me, wraps his arms around me and says, "Pesdent Momsin...he's our pophet". I was filled with the spirit as I realized the seeds of a testimony were already growing inside of him. I am so thankful for this beautiful gospel and for our wonderful Prophet, Pres. Monson.


Jess said...

your a good mom! Have you made it in your new house yet? I would love to see more pics of it and your family.

Diana said...

I love love love conference weekend! Pesdent Momsin is amazing:)

Mindy Marchant said...

Hi cute Amanda. I found you on Alisa W's blog. Paul and I were just thinking about you guys on Saturday. We miss you and hope you are doing well. Looks like you are in the middle of building a house. It looks like it will be way fun. Your boys are growing so fast. They are so cute. I'm glad I knew you for just "one minute". Talk to you later....Mindy Marchant

Our family said... are such a cute mom. I hope all is going/went(?) well with the move.