Thursday, August 14, 2008

Under Contract

The couple that came in last Friday made an offer on the condo. It was a little low but we (john) seriously considered taking it. We (I) decided to counter just a little higher to see what would happen. They accepted the counter and we are now under contract. I am sighing a sigh of relief although its not over "til the fat lady sings"....or until you sign your life away :)
I have started packing up a few things here and there. Thought I would get a head start on it. We are suppose to close the middle of September. Now the challenge is to find a place to live for three months until our house is finished. If you know of anyone willing to rent to us for a short time, let us know.
Our house has walls...which is nice to see something more than just a pile of dirt. Although my 2 year old keeps asking where our dirt is. (before they started building we would drive by the lot and say "theres our dirt"...I guess he thought we were going to live on the dirt). It is fun to see the progress.

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